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Details of the description and parameters for each of the following can be found in the ESSP/ECE Collective Agreement, UAD Guidelines, or Board Policy 411.



Personal Day (L16:05)

For reasons other than illness. May not be used to extend existing holidays. 


Miscellaneous Leaves (L16:01)

The Board shall grant a leave of absence up to a maximum of five (5) days total in any one school year to an employee in the following circumstances:

(a) up to one (1) day when the employee is scheduled to write an academic, trade, or professional examination;
(b) one (1) day when the employee attends the employee’s post-secondary graduation;
(c) up to one (1) day when the employee attends the post-secondary graduation for each of the employee’s spouse/partner, parent, child, or stepchild;
(d) to celebrate a recognized religious holiday of the employee’s own faith;
(e) up to one (1) day for the employee’s own personal moving of residence.
(f) Up to one (1) day for the employee to attend their own personal wedding.


Bereavement Days (L15:00)

For the death of a parent, child, spouse/partner, grandchild, sibling, and miscellaneous personal bereavement.


Family Care Leave(L25:00)

In the case of illness of a spouse or child or parent, which requires the employee’s urgent personal attention. These days are 411 requests and need to be requested electronically on UgShare Point



Illness/Sick days (L Article 29)

Full-time employees (permanent or long-term) are allocated 11 days at 100% and 120 days at 90% with the ability to carry over unused 100% days to top-up the 90% days in the following year. Each carry-over day can top up 10 90% days.



Unpaid Absence Days (UAD)

Up to 5 days. UAD will not normally include the one week period following the start of each semester, PA days, the week prior to the start of exams and during the exam period, or the weeks surrounding March break. Please submit a request for UAD electronically on UgShare Point.






(HR001 form - ONLY available in the school office - triplicate form)


A Supplementary Employment Benefit (SEB) plan to top up their E.I. Benefits for eight (8} weeks of 100% salary.


Maternity / Parental Leaves

Application forms for Maternity/Parental leave are available at each school site and the District 18 office. The form is called an HR 001 and should be available through your school’s Office Coordinator.


Employment Insurance information is available at

Benefit information is available through OTIP (Click Here)


Please see the following documents for help with the application process and the steps that must be taken when it comes to maternity/parental leave.



MaternityParental Leave  Roadmap 2023 (1).jpg
Compassionate Care/Family Medical Leave/Critically Ill Child Care Leave (C:11.1)
 (HR001 available in the school office)
Family Medical Leave or Critical Illness leave granted to an employee under this Article shall be in accordance with the provisions of the Employment Standards Act, as amended.
In order to receive pay for such leaves, an employee must access Employment Insurance and the Supplemental Employment Benefit (SEB) in accordance with g) to j), if allowable by legislation. An employee who is eligible for E.I. is not entitled to benefits under a school board’s sick leave and short-term disability plan.
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